Dr. Sandip Agrawal

Home     Skin Doctor In Jabalpur

Dr. Sandip Agrawal

Dermatologist, Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist

  • MBBS(IGGMC, Nagpur)
  • MD(LTMMC, Sion, Mumbai)
  • Fellow in Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgery (Israel)
  • Ex-Assistant Professor, IGGMC, Nagpur
  • 11 Years Experience Overall (4 years as specialist)

Dr. Sandip Mahavirprasad Agrawal is a Dermatologist,Hair Transplant Surgeon and Cosmetologist in Ramdaspeth, Nagpur and has an experience of 11 years in these fields. Dr. Sandip Mahavirprasad Agrawal practices at The Good Skin & Hair Clinic in Ramdaspeth, Nagpur. He completed MBBS from Indira Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur in 2011 and MD – Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy from Maharashtra Universtity of Health Sciences, Nashik in 2018.

Skin Doctor 

Your skin is your largest, heaviest organ, and it’s several vital functions. It protects you from heat, cold, germs and dangerous substances. It’s conjointly an excellent indicator of your overall health — changes within the color or feel of your skin are often a proof of a medical downside. It’s vital to require correct care of your skin and bear in mind of its overall health.

Best skin specialists in Jabalpur are medical doctors who focus on diagnosis and treating diseases of the skin, hair, nails and secretion membrane. Some dermatologists are surgeons

Skin Doctor

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It’s conjointly your initial line of defense against microorganism, viruses, moisture, heat, and more. It helps to manage your vital sign and plays a crucial role in your immune health. It conjointly provides clues regarding your internal health.

It is sensible that such an oversized and necessary organ ought to have a doctor that focuses on its care. A skin doctor will simply that. conjointly called a dermatologist, a skin doctor could be a medical doctor that focuses on conditions that have an effect on your skin, hair, and nails. they supply treatment for over three, conditions that have an effect on these components of your body, as well as such ones as skin condition and carcinoma. If you’re experiencing problems along with your skin, a skin doctor will offer the care you would like to boost its health.

What will a skin Doctor in Jabalpur Do?

A skin Doctor diagnoses and treats a broad array of skin conditions. By staring at your skin, they will even be ready to establish symptoms that might purpose toward an inside condition, like problems along with your abdomen, kidneys, or thyroid. That’s not all skin Doctor in Jabalpur do. they will perform minor surgical procedures, like mole removal or skin biopsies. Some concentrate on activity larger surgeries, like removing cysts. Skin Doctor in Jabalpur conjointly treat skin problems that have an effect on your look, and lots of have the coaching to supply cosmetic treatments like botulinum toxin, fillers, chemical peels, and more.

Education and coaching of Skin Doctor in Jabalpur

Skin Doctor in Jabalpur receive an in depth quantity of education and coaching. the method involves:

A 4-year bachelor’s degree

A 4-year medical program to become a medical Doctor or Doctor of osteopathic drugs

A 1-year billet

A 3-year (or more) medical specialty residency program

Some Skin Doctor in Jabalpur prolong to receive extra coaching in bound areas of medical specialty. Some may additionally  favor to become board certified. If you’re visiting a board-certified skin Doctor, you’ll be assured that you’re receiving care from a highly-skilled, qualified Doctor.

What square measure skin diseases?

Your skin is that the massive organ that covers and protects your body. Your skin has several functions. It works to:

  • Hold in fluid and forestall dehydration.
  • Help you’re feeling sensations, like temperature or pain.
  • Keep out microorganism, viruses and different causes of infection.
  • Stabilize your vital sign.
  • Synthesize (create) calciferol in response to sun exposure.

Skin diseases embody all conditions that clog, irritate or inflame your skin. Often, skin diseases cause rashes or different changes in your skin’s look.

What square measure the foremost common sorts of skin diseases?

Some skin diseases square measure minor. Others cause severe symptoms. a number of the foremost common skin diseases include:

  • Acne, blocked skin follicles that cause oil, microorganism and dead skin buildup in your pores.
  • Alopecia areata, losing your hair in tiny patches.
  • Atopic eczema (eczema), dry, restless skin that ends up in swelling, cracking or scaliness.
  • Psoriasis, scaly skin that will swell or feel hot.
  • Raynaud’s development, periodic reduced blood flow to your fingers, toes or different body components, inflicting symptom or coloring modification.
  • Rosacea, flushed, tegument and pimples, typically on the face.
  • Skin cancer, uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells.
  • Vitiligo, patches of skin that lose pigment.

What are some sorts of rare skin diseases?

Many rare skin diseases square measure genetic, which means you inherit them. Some rare skin diseases include:

  • Actinic disease of the skin (AP), restless rash in response to sun exposure.
  • Argyria, changes in coloring because of silver buildup in your body.
  • Chromhidrosis, coloured sweat.
  • Epidermolysis bullosa, a animal tissue disorder that causes fragile skin that blisters and tears simply.
  • Harlequin inherited disease, thick, exhausting patches or plates on the skin that square measure gift at birth.
  • Lamellar inherited disease, waxy skin layer that sheds within the initial few weeks of life, revealing scaly, red skin.
  • Necrobiosis lipoidica, rash on the lower legs that may change into ulcers (sores).

What causes skin diseases?

Certain modus vivendi factors will cause the event of a disease of the skin. Underlying health conditions could have an effect on your skin, too. Common causes of skin diseases include:

  • Bacteria at bay in your pores or hair follicles.
  • Conditions that have an effect on your thyroid, kidneys or system.
  • Contact with environmental triggers, like allergens or another person’s skin.
  • Genetics
  • Fungus or parasites living on your skin.
  • Medications, like those that treat inflammatory gut illness (IBD).
  • Viruses.
  • Diabetes.
  • Sun.

What are the symptoms of skin diseases?

Skin disease symptoms vary considerably, counting on what condition you’ve got. Skin changes aren’t continuously because of skin diseases. for instance, you’ll get a blister from carrying ill-fitting shoes. However, once skin changes show up with no familiar cause, they will be joined to AN underlying condition.

Generally, skin diseases could cause:

  • Discolored skin patches (abnormal pigmentation).
  • Dry skin.
  • Open sores, lesions or ulcers.
  • Peeling skin.
  • Rashes, probably with skin sensation or pain.
  • Red, white or pus-filled bumps.
  • Scaly or rough skin.

How can be a disease of the skin diagnosed?

Often, a health care supplier will diagnose a disease of the skin by visually examining your skin. If staring at your skin doesn’t offer clear answers, your supplier could use tests such as:

Biopsy, removing atiny low piece of skin to look at below a magnifier.

Culture, taking a skin sample to check for microorganism, plant life or viruses.

Skin patch take a look at, applying tiny amounts of drugs to check for hypersensitive reactions.

Black lightweight examination (Wood lightweight test), victimisation AN ultraviolet (UV) lightweight to look at your skin’s pigment additional clearly.

Diascopy, pressing a plate glass against a pad to envision if the skin changes color.

Dermoscopy, employing a hand-held device known as a dermatoscope to diagnose skin lesions.

Tzanck take a look at, examining the fluid from a blister to ascertain for herpes simplex or herpes herpes.